A man playing video games

Monetisation made simple.

We make it easy for you to monetise your streaming content the way you want to.

No restrictions
No applications

How does it work?

  1. Connect CRE8TOR

    to your streaming software of choice.

  2. Activate a campaign

    you can choose what you promote.

  3. Start earning

    you will earn money from views or sales.

Who are we?

We're more than a platform — we're a bridge that connects passionate creators and innovative brands.

CRE8TOR was established by gamers and industry pioneers in 2023 to craft a platform that provides monetisation opportunities to streamers no matter their CCV. We saw the potential in vibrant gaming communities that were eager to engage with brands.

We believe in creating memorable experiences and driving mutual growth for everyone. CRE8TOR isn't just in the game, we're redefining it.

Learn more